Our Services

Park Dental Specialists’ dental clinics in Chicago’s Lincoln Park and Orland Park provide a wide range of specialty dental care, from dental implants and oral surgery, to endodontics and periodontics. Learn about the care we offer below and see how our team can help you transform your smile!

Dental Implants

Restore your smile and get your confidence back with dental implants. As a long-lasting alternative to dental bridges or partial dentures, our dental surgeons are modern-day artists who help patients achieve a beautiful smile with full functionality.

Dental Implants

All on Four -Teeth in a Day

A great new procedure at Park Dental Specialists, where you can have new teeth in a day. Our team of specialists surgically place a foundation of implants, usually four, that connect a denture providing a new set of teeth that are fixed and stable. With the All on Four dental implants your new teeth will feel and function just like real teeth.

All on Four Dental Implants

TeethXpress Dental Implants

TeethXpress Dental Implants are permanent full-arch implants that are placed in your bone to create a new smile that will look and feel natural. Unlike with dentures, you won’t have to worry about extensive maintenance and costs afterward since dental implants are permanent and function like real teeth. TeethXpress dental implants will give you your smile back.

TeethXpress Dental Implants


Dedicated to studying the tissues surrounding the teeth, our surgeons specialize in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases. A Periodontist also plans, places and maintains dental implants to replace missing teeth or support dentures.



When pain related to your teeth is a concern, commonly root canal therapy, our endodontic surgeons rise to the occasion. With a minimum of two years extra post graduate training, our endodontic surgeons have the specialized training and the exceptional expertise to bring you relief.


Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons specialize in the diagnosis and surgery for diseases, injuries and defects of the facial region. From wisdom tooth extractions to facial trauma, we have an outstanding team of surgeons with unparalleled expertise.

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery


Clear Aligner Orthodontics

Clear aligner treatment offers a discreet and comfortable way to straighten your teeth without the need for traditional braces. Our orthodontic team specializes in custom-made aligners that gradually shift your teeth into alignment, providing effective results with minimal disruption to your daily life.

Clear Aligner Treatment

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