Alphonse Gargiulo, DDS, MS
About Me
Periodontist Dr. Alphonse Gargiulo has multi-state Dental certifications. Patients being cared for by Dr. Gargiulo receive an American Board-Certified doctor’s skills with profound experience in periodontics and implant dentistry. He has received top-notch education at Loyola University School of Dentistry and earned his certificate in Periodontics and Northwestern University.
He is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about his specialty, having been an award-winning teacher of excellence at Northwestern University Dental School, a textbook contributing author, and the author of dozens of publications. With all his experience, he is the perfect person to easily and thoroughly explain any questions a patient might have. It can be assured that patients in the care of Dr. Gargiulo will feel safe and knowledgeable about their treatment, making them able to calmly face any procedure head-on knowing that they are in fantastic hands.
Treatments Offered by Dr. Gargiulo:
Orland Park Dental Specialists
9535 W. 144th Place
2nd floor
Orland Park, IL 60462
- 1981 Loyola University School of Dentistry, Masters of Science Degree in Oral Biology
- 1981 Certificate in Periodontics
- 1979 Northwestern University Dental School, Doctor of Dental Surgery
- 1974 Loyola University of Chicago, Bachelors of Science
- 1973 College of Lake County Associate of Science Degree
Professional Associations
- American Academy of Periodontology
- American Board of Periodontology
- Northeastern Society of Periodontists
- Northeast Regional Board Certified, 1979
- Illinois State Dental License
- Illinois State Specialty Board in Periodontics, 1981
- Wisconsin State Dental License, 1983
- H2: American Board Certification
- Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology, April 1987
- H2: Private Practice Experience in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry
- 2002 to present Park Dental Specialists
- 1983-2001 Solo Practice Westchester and Tinley Park, IL
Teaching Experience
- 2003-2004 Clinical Instructor, Department of Undergraduate and Post Graduate Periodontics, University of Illinois School of Dentistry
- 2001-2002 Associate Professor and Director, Post Graduate Periodontics, Nova Southeastern University, College of Dental Medicine, Fort Lauderdale, FL-
- 1987-2000 Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Stomatology, Periodontics Division, Northwestern Dental School
- 1981-1986 Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontics, Loyola University School of Dentistry
- 1979-1981 Teaching Assistant, Department of Oral Pathology, Loyola University Dental School
- 1978-1979 Student Teacher, Oral Pathology Lab, Northwestern University Dental School, Chicago, IL
- Excellence in Teaching Award
- 1996-1997 Northwestern University Dental School, Department of Stomatology
- Dental Consultant
- 1998 Astra Pharmaceutical, L.P., Westborough, MA
- 1982 Periodontal Clinical Investigations
- Rheumatoid Factor in Sulcular Fluid, Illinois Society of Periodontists, 11/17/80
- Soft Tissue Pedicle Flaps- Why and When?, Chicago Dental Society, Mid-Winter Meeting, January 1981
- Oral Pathological Conditions, PSI Omega Fraternity, Kappa chapter, Loyola University Dental School, 1981
- Predictale Periodontics, CDS, Mid-Winter Meeting, 1983
- Latex Agglutination vs. ELISA System: Rheumatoid Factor Detection in Inflamed Human Gingiva, Chicago Section of AADR, 4/13/81
- Parameters of Periodontal Disease Activity, Dental workshop, University of Panama Dental School and Colgate Palmolive Co., Panama City, Panama, 4/25-28/83
- Rheumatoid Factors in Periodontal Disease, Illinois Society of Allergy and Immunology, Chicago-5/15/83
- Orban Classic Slide collection, Periodontal Archives, American Academy of Periodontolgy-1983
- Getting Started in Private Practice and Diplomate Status, Luncheon for Learning, Midwest Society of Periodontology- 1989
- Dyclone-A Topical Anesthetic for Managing Pain, Illinois State Dental Society, 1990
- Guidor Usage and Application for Guided Tissue Regeneration, Oral Technologies Division of John O. Butler Co., January 1994
- Red Pigmented Lesions, CDS Table Clinic 3/8/94
- Guided Tissue Regeneration Utilizing Guidor, A Bioresorbable Matrix Barrier, Naples, FL- John O. Butler Co., 3/26/94
- Past, Present and Future, Guided Tissue Regeneration, Utilizing Guidor, A Bioresorbable Matrix Barrier, Creighton University Dental School, Omaha, Nebraska, Alumni Day Program, 4/23/94
- Guided Tissue Regeneration Utilizing Guidor with Advance Surgical Techniques, Boston, MA, John O. Butler, Co. 4/30/94
- Advance Surgical Techniques for Placement of Bioresorbable Membranes, Guidor, AB, Sweden, Schaumburg Hotel, 12/6/95
- Advanced Surgical Techniques for Guided Tissue Regeneration with Absorbable Membranes, Oakland County Dental Society, Birmingham, MI 12/3/96
- Bioresorbable Pins and Membrane Barriers for Guided Tissue Regeneration, Research forum Poster Session, American Academy of Periodontology, San Diego, CA 10/5-6/97
- Oral Mucous Membrane and Periodontal Pathology, Oakland County Dental Society, Rochester Hills, MI 12/3/97
- Perio Chip Placement Technique and Usage, ADA Annual Meeting, Astra Pharmaceutical Co., San Francisco, CA 10/24-27/98
- Perio Chip Training Session, Greater New York Dental Meeting, New York, NY, Astra Pharmaceutical, LP 11/28-12/2/98
- Perio Chip Training Session, Hinmann Dental Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Astra Pharmaceutical, LP 3/19-21/99
- Local Delivery of Anti-Microbial for The General Practitioner, St. Louis, MO, Astra Pharmaceutical, 5/28/99
- Local Delivery of Anti-Microbials for the General Practitioner, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Astra Pharmaceutical, LP, 6/30/99
- Local Delivery of Chlorhexidine in Periodontal Disease for the General Practitioner, Denville, Periodontal Study Club, Astra Zeneca, 1/12/2000
- Local Delivery of Controlled Release Anti-Microbial Agents in Periodontal Disease, Minatonk, NJ, Dr. Ronnie Golden Study Club, Astra Zeneca, 3/1/2000
- Local Anti-Microbial therapy in Periodontal Disease, for the General Practitioner, Dr. Ronnie Golden Study Club, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 5/17/2000
- Gargiulo AV, Robinson JA, Toto PD, Gargiulo AW, Identification of Rheumatoid Factor in Periodontal Disease. J Periodontol, 53:568-577, 1982
- Gargiulo AV, Indication for a Lingual Double Papilla Sliding Flap, General Dentistry, 3:50-52, 1982
- Artisuk A, Gargiulo AV, Incisal Edge Splint, Peridontal Case Reports, 4:3-4, 1982
- Gargiulo AV, Robinson JA, Toto PD, Gargiulo AW, Rheumatoid Factors in Periodontal Disease. Dental Abstracts, 28:151, 1983
- DiFranco C, Gargiulo AV, Isolated Advanced Periodontal Defects with Pulpa Involvement, Periodontal Case Reports, 5:1-4, 1983
- Gargiulo AV, Toto PD, Robinson JA, Gargiulo AW, Latex Slide Agglutination vs. ELISA System, Rheumatoid Factor Detection in Inflames Human Gingiva. J Perio Res, 20:31-34, 1985
- Gargiulo AV, Kohn RA, Taylor GN, Identification of Autoantibodies in Human Dental Pulp by latex slide Agglutination. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Path, 58:327-329, 1984
- Gargiulo AV. Endodontic-Periodontic Interrelationships-diagnosis and treatment, Dent Clin North Am, 28:767-781, 1984
- Volk RJ, Gargiulo AV. Local Anesthetic Cartridge Warmer-first in, first out fresh. Illinois Dental Journal, 53:92-94, 1984
- Gargiulo AV. Survey of Current Therapy on Bone Grafts, Periodontal Case Reports, 7:22, 1985
- Gargiulo AV, Toto PD, Gargiulo AW. Cocaine Induced Gingival Necrosis, Periodontal Case Reports 7:44-45, 1985
- Colvard MD, Bishop J, Weissman D, Gargiulo AV. Cardizem induced gingival hyperplasia: A Report of Two Cases. Periodontal Case Reports, 8:67-68, 1986
- Colvard MD, Gargiulo AV. Ativan Induced lichenoid drug reaction of the human gingival: Case Report. Periodontal Case Reports, 8:69, 1986
- Gargiulo AW, Gargiulo AV. Detection of Periodontal Disease: Parameters to assess Periodontal disease activity. Loyola Bur, Spring Issue, 1987
- Gargiulo AV. Periodontal Pocket Reformation following hydroxyapatite bone graft, Phillip Journal for Restorative Zahnmedizin, 6:357-359, 1987 (German and English)
- Gargiulo AV. Freeze dried skin Alllograft, General Dentistry, 36:40-41, 1988
- Gargiulo AV, Nadimi H, Toto PD. Clinical and histologic assessment of a durapatite implant after four years. CDS Review. 81:30-32, 1988
- Gargiulo AV, Robinson JA, Schaffner J. Cirrhosis of the Liver: Oral and systemic manifestations, pre and post transplant. Periodontal Case Reports, 10:12-16, 1988
- Gargiulo AV,Ladone JA, Toto PD, LoGuidiceJ. Crohns disease: Early detection by Gingival biopsy: Periodontal Case Reports, 11:20-22, 1989
- Gargiulo AV, Burns G, Huck C. Dyclonine Hydrochloride- a topical anesthetic for managing pain. ILL Dent J, 61:303-304, 1992
- Gargiulo AV, Ladone JA. Guided Tissue Regeneration. A Seven Year post surgical case report. ILL Dent J 63:251-253, 1994
- DeVaull-Pinkerton M, Gargiulo AV. An Implant fixed bridge as replacement for a removable partial denture. CDS Review. 87:17-20, 1994
- Gargiulo AV, Micalletti J, Aiello JS. Guided tissue Regeneration utilizing a bioresorbable matrix barrier. Periodontal Insights. 2:15-19, 1995
- Gargiulo AV, Ladone JA, Ladone P, Toto PD. Plasma Cell Gingivitis. A Case Report CDS Review, 88:22-23, 1995
- Cohen ES, Gargiulo AV. Guided Tissue Regeneration Utilizing a Polylactic Acid bioresorbable Membrane Barrier. Aplha Omegan, 88:35-43, 1995
- Gargiulo AV, Treating a Buccal Dehiscence defect be a polylactice / acid membrane barrier: a six month case report, CDS Review, 89:36-38, 1986
- Gargiulo AV, Sfeir C, Chen PW, Use of a bioresorbable pin and membrane barrier for guided tissue regeneration. CDS Review, 89:26-28, 1996
- Shen EC, Chen CL, Gargiulo AV. Treatment of Intrbony defects by polylactic acid matrix barrier- a one year follow up study, Perio Clin Invest, 19:22-25, 1997
- Berkovish C, Pick RM, Gargiulo AV. Treatment modalities for root coverage procedure. Perio Insights, April Issue, 1997
- Gargiulo AV, Bianco C, Burns G, Macjina L. Dyclonine Hydrochloride 0.5% a topical anesthetic for debridement: A human study in a private Practice limited to Periodontics, J Pract Hyg, March-April Suppl. 2-5, 1998
- Gargoilo AV, Solt D. Dyclonine Hydrochloride 0.5% a topical anesthetic utilized in surgical biopsies., J Pract Hyg, March-April Suppl. 6-9, 1998
- Gargiulo AV, Sfeir C, Grys E. Bioresorbable pins and membrane barriers for guided tissue regeneration, Abstract J Periodontol, 69:289, 1998
- Gargiulo AV. The local Delivert of Chlorhexidine in a bioresorbable matrix. Dentistry Today, 18:134-135, 1999
- Gargiulo AV, Manos T, Kolozenski M, Tzanos A, Levi M. Immediate Molar Implant Placement: A Private Practice Clinical Investigation. J Impl & Adv Clin Dent, 3:37-44, 2011.
Textbook Contributing Author
Review of Diagnosis, Oral Medicine, Radiology and Treatment Planning, Norman K Wood, 4th Ed. 1999, Mosby Inc.